Monday, January 12, 2009


Ahhhh.. well is Monday. Don't we all love Mondays?? Not!

It's just so hard to get back into the swing of things.

Well I had a good weekend. I had a cocktail night, and then went out with the girls on Saturday night. We went to 2 clubs, had a good dance and drank waaay to much. Was lots of fun, I wish we did it more often. Annnd.. There is is this new club near where I live, and we tried to go there a few weeks ago, and the line was way too long. So we just went somewhere else. So we decided to try again on Saturday night, and we got there and the line was like 100m long, so we went to the end of the line too see if it would move quickly, and we lined up for like 1minute, and the bouncer came and got us and said we did not have to line up and we could go straight in. SCORE!! I did'nt feel so old and ugly after that hehe.

On Sunday I slept in, and then went to see a Band with some friends and my family. The lead singer was a guy that my Dad loved, and it was really good to do something that I know my Dad would of enjoyed. So we sat in the sun, and drank wine and ate biscuits and dip.. mmmm heaven.

And now its Monday again.. really have to hit the gym a bit more and lose some weight before Bali.. Does anyone have any surefire weight loss tips?? Really wanna be comfortable in my bikini!!

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