Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to my life

Well.. The past few months I've found myself lacking in duties at work.. and my favourite time consuming activity has been discovering other people blogs.. I never realised how interesting people's everyday, mundane (no offence) lives could be.

I suppose another reason for this blog is so I can talk about myself, the past few difficult years of my life.. (we will get to that later), without those that are close to me, my family, boyfriend and friends feeling like they need to give me advice. Sometimes its nice to just talk and say what your feeling, sometimes I don't need a response. And maybe the responses of those that don't know me will be different.

I have two rule for this blog
1) I am not going to portray myself as something as I am not. I have caught myself doing this in the past, not sure why. Maybe to make myself seem to carefree and interesting. But I'm not going to do that here. I want complete honesty from myself.
2) Noone in my life is to know about this blog. Sometimes my thoughts are for me, and for whoever may randomly come across them.

The title of my blog, my Zoo like life.. probably best refers to my "past life". I am the oldest of Four children - 2 boys and 2 girls. And there is 5 years age difference between us. So you can imagine that once you add various friends and relatives into the mix, my house always seemed to be like a zoo.. people coming and going, people crashing in our spare room.. on the couches every night of the week. My house was somewhat of a Hostel, welcoming, happy and warm. My parents were always much younger than my friends parent, my friends developed friendship with my parents. It is still like this to a degree, but things change.

My Dad died very suddenly July 21 last year, 3 days before his 47th Birthday. I find it very difficult to describe my Dad without sounding completely bias.. but he was a wonderful man. He was smart, educated, youthful and very supportive. He continues to be a driving force in my life and he always will be. I am sure I will speak about him a lot on this blog.. hopefully not to much.

My Mum, is in short an amazing, strong woman. Who misses my Dad, more than I could imagine. But she is continuing to live an amazing, fulfilling life, and is determind not to miss out on the things that he did.

I won't talk about my siblings just yet, I am not sure what I would say. But in short, they all have their positives, their negatives. And I love them all greatly.. maybe not specifically like them sometimes.

My Boyfriend is a wonderful person, I know how lucky I am to have him. We have had a wonderful 3 years. But sometimes I wonder....

Today I am at work, there is noone here for the next couple of days and I'm struggling to keep myself entertained. The tennis is on t.v in the background, I've cleaned pretty much every surface in the place and surfed the web as much as I can. I don't understand how people can search the web for hours on end.. I run outta things, I have a few specific sites that I like.. and that's about it. The news sites (I like to know whats going on in the world), facebook (I like to know whats going on in my life), (not sure why, I hate him, I hate the celebrity world.. but hey, it keeps me entertained)

I'm going to Bali in 10 weeks, with my Boyfriend and 6 other couple friends. Im excited and nervous. I totally need a holiday, cant wait to lie on the beach and just chill out and drink with friends. Nervous because of the obvious... but I can't let that rule my thoughts can I??

And then in July I am going to Europe with my Mum and My Sister for 4 weeks. France, Italy and Greece.. Pretty much all my money is going towards there 2 things. Working my ass off 40 hours a week and at the moment I am barely seeing a cent.. Oh well, guess it will be worth it when I am lying on a beach in Santorini in 40 degree heat.. Oh joy.

Anyway.. thats it for me today. I've touched on about a million subjects, delved into none. In time I suppose.


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